
Final Blog Post Prompt

     Just like anything else in the world, social media definitely has its pros and cons. Personally, I do use social media often but I would not say that it consumes my everyday life. I can limit my social media usage myself and I wouldn't feel like I need to get on my phone every second. Although this is true, I occasionally want to check my feed and stories to see what my friends and family is up to. Social media is just how we communicate nowadays so it's easier to catch up with people that way. As I am growing up, I use social media less and I don't post as much as I used to but I still check my feed ofter. Social media is usually the first thing I check in the mornings and the last thing I check when going to bed. Even though I still use social media heavily, it used to be much worse when I was younger and I'm proud of the improvement I have done to limit my usage.       I do not think social media is a bad thing. I do believe some individuals use social media fo

EOTO pt. 2 (COVID-19)

     Due to the Coronavirus everyone is trying to figure out what to do to keep themselves sane. This stay at home order is hard to adjust to when you are so used to being on the go. I see people on social media trying out new hobbies, working out more and spending time with family. Speaking of social media, the amount of screen time I have by the end of the week has been outrageous. I know for a fact it is the same for others my age as well. I mean what more is there for us to do? Statistics show that because of the pandemic induced quarantine, media intake has increased massively. But they also realized that many people use the media to get updates on the COVID-19 outbreak, so not all use is for personal social media use. Time that we would usually be spending to hang out with friends, go to the mall or just being outside in general is now being used sit sit on the sofa and do nothing. Since we have so much time to kill, it only leaves us with one entertaining thing to do which is be

EOTO, Pt 1 (Confirmation Bias)

     Confirmation Bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. So basically, if you want something to be true for so long, then you will end of believing it to be true. The idea of it happening eventually and sticking to it is what confirms their views to be true. The real definition of confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor and recall information in a way that confirms or strengthens ones personal beliefs. Some implications of this theory includes wishful thinking. Which just means the idea or wish you will, will eventually come true.      Confirmation bias has been  proven to contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs. This might affect society as a whole because have so much confidence in your own personal beliefs doesn't leave much room to listen to others beliefs and understand where they are coming from. This means that you may form tough relationships with people because you are not open to listen and understand. As a whole co


     Honestly, after watching these Ted Talk videos... Do we really have privacy? I have so many questions and it's scary after watching what could be happening behind my back. The one that shocked me the most is the one where Catherine Crump is speaking about surveillance equipment. Just about everywhere you go there is cameras around. This includes grocery stores, malls, gas stations, restaurants and more! I have always figured that it was for the safety of the business, but its actually more reasoning behind it and honestly its creepy. She explains how so much information used to be private but now the government knows far too much as to what happens behind closed doors. The government tracks you and makes up their own ideas on who you are and what you are about.      The license reader is what really shocked me. I know police use it when on the job but I thought their reasons were valid. After seeing the tracking of one mans car history, it really caught me off guard. Why trac

Online Self-Audit

    I use social media platforms everyday. I don't think I have a huge online footprint for on Instagram I only have around 3500 follows, Twitter around 600 and Snapchat less than 400. Also, majority of these people I know from growing up together and attending school together. I personally do not have a website but I have always been interested in creating on e. I feel like a website would be a creative way to show everything you're capable of when applying for a job and something that they may not have seen before. Like I said before the main social media platforms that I use are Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. I just started using TikTok, but I am not a heavy user. Instagram I mainly posts pictures of myself doing things I love, places I visit or with friends. Twitter is a place to express feelings and meet other people who have some of the same viewpoints as you. Snapchat is just a fun atmosphere to take selfies and share videos with many filters.      If a visitor seen

Newer Inventions

     A few years ago Snapchat was just an idea that a some friends had at Stanford. To their surprise this idea became so popular and is now one of the biggest social media platforms. Snapchat now has over 100 million active users and 7 billion daily video views. The disappearing photo idea is what changed the game for everyone and is why so many people gravitated to the app so quickly. The way Snapchat works is a lot like how we communicate face to face which is another reason the app became so popular. These two are good examples of why Snapchat catches on so fast but the main reason is simply teenagers. Facebook was extremely popular at the time, but it started to get attention from older age groups as well. What teenager do you know what's to be on the same social media app as their whole family? Probably none. Snapchat solved this issue and allowed a space for teens to go without the supervision of their family. This all led to Snapchats sudden growth of 10 million active user

Eight Values of Free Expression

     After reading the importance of the Eight Values of Free Expression the one that I thought was the most important was Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization). This one specific value focuses on free speech and enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity. I find this one to be important because in all situations you are choosing to live freely and true to yourself. This is the desire to to fulfill life goals and to become what he or she is capable of. You are motivated and only want growth for yourself in every endeavor. The part that I like the most about this value is that each goal you want to achieve is solely because you want that in life and not for anyone else. Having that personal fulfillment in life really makes you happy with yourself and realize how important life is.      I think that this video really explains this value perfectly. She says the biggest secret is that it's really not a thing, as a human we shoul