Final Blog Post Prompt

     Just like anything else in the world, social media definitely has its pros and cons. Personally, I do use social media often but I would not say that it consumes my everyday life. I can limit my social media usage myself and I wouldn't feel like I need to get on my phone every second. Although this is true, I occasionally want to check my feed and stories to see what my friends and family is up to. Social media is just how we communicate nowadays so it's easier to catch up with people that way. As I am growing up, I use social media less and I don't post as much as I used to but I still check my feed ofter. Social media is usually the first thing I check in the mornings and the last thing I check when going to bed. Even though I still use social media heavily, it used to be much worse when I was younger and I'm proud of the improvement I have done to limit my usage. 
     I do not think social media is a bad thing. I do believe some individuals use social media for the wrong reasons and it can ruin the run for others. Social media gives people a chance is be themselves and express their thoughts and feelings. There are so many accounts that spread positive inspiration and influencers that uplift and guide you in the right directions. Overall, I think social media has improved our society. It has given people careers, a space to be creative, fashion ideas and so much more. Although there can be downsides of social media such as cyberbullying, that doesn't take place on every page or platform. We should take the time to also point out the positives of social media because i'm sure many people would be surprised on how important it truly is. 
     As I am writing this blog and thinking about my usage of social media, it is probably not a healthy amount. In my free time, I am probably on social media but I could be trying to create a new hobby instead. Even as i'm writing this blog, I occasionally stop to check my phone and she what's new from the last 10 minutes.  I can say that I notice this problem and I am willing to change it to adjust the way I am living. I have decided for myself to use the "App Limits" feature on my iPhone. With this I can lock up certain apps for specific hours throughout the day and that will allow me to get used to the idea of not checking my phone every few minutes. I think that I have given technology way too much time in my life and its time to makes some changes. Even though this is true, I do believe that technology has also taught me many life lessons. While on social media platforms, you come across news, inspirational quotes, people who have similar views and those who have completely opposite views. You can learn so much from others and people can learn from you as well. Social media is honestly what you make it out to be and from my experiences the positives outweigh the negatives.


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