Online Self-Audit

    I use social media platforms everyday. I don't think I have a huge online footprint for on Instagram I only have around 3500 follows, Twitter around 600 and Snapchat less than 400. Also, majority of these people I know from growing up together and attending school together. I personally do not have a website but I have always been interested in creating on
e. I feel like a website would be a creative way to show everything you're capable of when applying for a job and something that they may not have seen before. Like I said before the main social media platforms that I use are Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. I just started using TikTok, but I am not a heavy user. Instagram I mainly posts pictures of myself doing things I love, places I visit or with friends. Twitter is a place to express feelings and meet other people who have some of the same viewpoints as you. Snapchat is just a fun atmosphere to take selfies and share videos with many filters.
     If a visitor seen my profile they would probably see that I love to take pictures as well as travel and experience new things. I keep my personal life private on my social media platforms. Twitter is usually a place where I post some private things about life and my feelings but I don't ever go into much detail. When signing up for social media platforms they do usually ask for phone numbers as well as email addresses. So, that is something that I give out often.
     Personally, I think social media is what you make it. It can either be something that makes you happy or make you sad. If you know and love yourself peoples opinions and views about your profiles should not faze you. I know there is bullying on many social media accounts and the best way to handle those situations is to let someone know.


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