Newer Inventions

     A few years ago Snapchat was just an idea that a some friends had at Stanford. To their surprise this idea became so popular and is now one of the biggest social media platforms. Snapchat now has over 100 million active users and 7 billion daily video views. The disappearing photo idea is what changed the game for everyone and is why so many people gravitated to the app so quickly. The way Snapchat works is a lot like how we communicate face to face which is another reason the app became so popular. These two are good examples of why Snapchat catches on so fast but the main reason is simply teenagers. Facebook was extremely popular at the time, but it started to get attention from older age groups as well. What teenager do you know what's to be on the same social media app as their whole family? Probably none. Snapchat solved this issue and allowed a space for teens to go without the supervision of their family. This all led to Snapchats sudden growth of 10 million active users after a year of launching.
     There are a few downsides to the Snapchat app, but many of them favor the downsides to many other social media platforms. Snapchat can be rather addictive as well as cause lack of sleep, body image insecurities, cyberbullying and fear of missing out. All of these can be a some negative downsides to the app and I am sure there is plenty more. 


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