
     Honestly, after watching these Ted Talk videos... Do we really have privacy? I have so many questions and it's scary after watching what could be happening behind my back. The one that shocked me the most is the one where Catherine Crump is speaking about surveillance equipment. Just about everywhere you go there is cameras around. This includes grocery stores, malls, gas stations, restaurants and more! I have always figured that it was for the safety of the business, but its actually more reasoning behind it and honestly its creepy. She explains how so much information used to be private but now the government knows far too much as to what happens behind closed doors. The government tracks you and makes up their own ideas on who you are and what you are about.
     The license reader is what really shocked me. I know police use it when on the job but I thought their reasons were valid. After seeing the tracking of one mans car history, it really caught me off guard. Why track someone that has not done anything wrong. All the pictures of his car traveling on the high ways, pulling u p to his house and those with his kids are scary! Especially because he is not aware of any of it. These police departments are keeping records of those who are in wrong doing but also every plate that passes by them. I find this very inappropriate. Realizing the lack of privacy we actually have makes me more aware of my surrounding and what I decide to do outside my home. Everything that I thought was private in my life turns out to be untrue. Although, there is nothing we can do to stop the government from tracking our every movement, we are now more aware. Even though it is scary and creepy, it is the world we live in. The amount of privacy we truly have in minimal and there is not much we can do about it.


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