Eight Values of Free Expression

     After reading the importance of the Eight Values of Free Expression the one that I thought was the most important was Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization). This one specific value focuses on free speech and enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity. I find this one to be important because in all situations you are choosing to live freely and true to yourself. This is the desire to to fulfill life goals and to become what he or she is capable of. You are motivated and only want growth for yourself in every endeavor. The part that I like the most about this value is that each goal you want to achieve is solely because you want that in life and not for anyone else. Having that personal fulfillment in life really makes you happy with yourself and realize how important life is.

     I think that this video really explains this value perfectly. She says the biggest secret is that it's really not a thing, as a human we should be open to learning and growing. Therefore, the person you are today shouldn't be the person you were yesterday. We should be growing and evolving into better individuals. This value is a journey and a process that lasts all your life. It's not something that ever ends because you should always be striving to reach numerous goals in life. This is why I believe this value is one of the most important. It puts you in the perspective to really want the best in yourself and be your own inspiration. 


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