EOTO pt. 2 (COVID-19)

     Due to the Coronavirus everyone is trying to figure out what to do to keep themselves sane. This stay at home order is hard to adjust to when you are so used to being on the go. I see people on social media trying out new hobbies, working out more and spending time with family. Speaking of social media, the amount of screen time I have by the end of the week has been outrageous. I know for a fact it is the same for others my age as well. I mean what more is there for us to do? Statistics show that because of the pandemic induced quarantine, media intake has increased massively. But they also realized that many people use the media to get updates on the COVID-19 outbreak, so not all use is for personal social media use. Time that we would usually be spending to hang out with friends, go to the mall or just being outside in general is now being used sit sit on the sofa and do nothing. Since we have so much time to kill, it only leaves us with one entertaining thing to do which is being on social media. People are investing more in subscription services keep themselves occupied. Apparently, one-third of Generation Z individuals considered purchasing these services.
     Of course we are aware of how much screen time we are consuming, but not everything we do on our phones consist of social media usage for own personal happiness. Instead some of us have class work to turn in, actual jobs to tend to, meetings and other things that now has to be virtual. Therefore this high media consumption level isn't all negative. Now, many people have to do things virtually and its not by choice. In my experiences, I have used the media so much more for school work. I know for a fact I have also increased my consumption in social media apps as well. The new app TikTok has people making the best and interesting content. I spend most of my time there and when I get my screen time notification at the end of the week I do not regret a single hour.



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