Google, Apple iPhone & Drones

     A group in our class did their presentation on Google, Apple iPhones and Drones. Google being started in 1998, iPhones in 2007 and Drones in 2017. Google was originally founded in Stanford by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They both met when they were touring Stanford for Grad school. The original name they gave Google was Backrub. They started Google in their dorms. As we know, Google can now be used to search anything in the world. More than 70% of people in the world use Google. Google owns several different services that are used by billions of people such as YouTube, Gmail, Google Earth and Google.
     Apple iPhones began as a Steve Jobs approved secret project known as Project Purple. January 9th, 2007 at Macworld was where the iPhone was announced. June 29th, 2007 the first iPhone was released. Apple sold 270,000 its first weekend. iPhones have changed the way we communicate because people are more connected through emails, calendars and notifications. It has also changed how we browse, text, use social media and capture our lives. Some of the negative impacts is that it can be a distractions, relationships, sleep and eyesight.
     Drones have become extremely popular for communication purposes. Drones are used for the military, filmography, firefighting, and journalism. In 2013, drones started to become designed specifically for journalism by the BBC. Since then the use of drones for journalism has been used for media throughout the world. Some pros are that they allow reporters to view a dangerous scene from safe distances, more maneuverable than a reporter or helicopter, quieter than being on foot or in a helicopter and inexpensive to operate once purchased. Some cons are that they cause a hazard to civilians and property, used for malicious purposes and privacy risks and ethical concerns.


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