Trump Breaks First Amendment

     If you are not aware, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the United States Bill of Rights which protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and right to petition. The First Amendment is very important and protects us from many different situations. Freedom of religion allows people to believe in whatever religion they want. Freedom of speech as well as press allows people to voice their opinions and publish them publicly without the government having a say. Freedom of assembly allows us to gather together in groups if everyone is peaceful. Right to petition allows for people to point out the governments mistakes and sue if any wrongs have occurred.
     I found an article which speaks on how Trump breaks the First Amendment. In this case, Trump has been blocking users on twitter on his account. Many say this is a violation of the First Amendment, but of course he disagrees. The purpose of this case was that blocking users for being critical amounts to discrimination based on their viewpoints. I hate to say this but I can see it from both sides. For I block many people on any social media platform because of what they post and things of that nature. But I can admit that Trump does post things a President should not post. Therefore, he can not get upset at others for negative comments or their viewpoints. With that people said, being such a known person and of course the President of the United States, you should not block or argue with anyone on social media platforms. That is not good for your image or in general. 


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