Facebook User Phone Numbers Is Exposed

     As we know, when you create a new social media account they ask for so much information. The main thing they ask for is you number. If you choose to give it to the platform then you are now able to find friends who are in your contacts as well as they can find you. This is an easy way to instantly add the people you know, but it can be dangerous adding your phone number places and you don't know what they might do with it. Unfortunately for Facebook users, something went wrong with this feature.
     A cloud server that contained a database of all Facebook users phone numbers had been found online. Thankfully, a few days later is was taken down. The discovery of the leaked information was an example of how an unprotected database leaves consumers exposed. It is much easier to create these databases online but the problem is that it isn't very secure. By doing so, you are putting your users at risk and their information being posted without permission. Exposed data like this can lead to scam phone calls and other fraud. I think it should be top priority that Facebook finds another way to log this kind of information. In order to protect their users and create trust amongst them, I feel like taking away this feature would help as well.



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