EOTO Project

     For our EOTO project we selected 6 different technologies and did some research on them. They were the first TV, Cable TV, the first email, camera phones, Twitter and Instagram. I took on the task to do my research on Instagram. I use instagram daily so I thought it would be fun to do some research on it. I didn't know the reason for it, who made it and why so I decided that would be fun on my part to do.
     Instagram is basically an app that allows users to share photos and videos, add captions, edit filters, interact with others, explore other profiles and so much more. It began its development in 2011 in San Francisco. Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. An interesting fact is that Systrom was actually the first person to post a picture on Instagram. It was a picture of himself at a taco stand in Todos Santos. This app quickly became a success by attracting tens of millions users. The co-founders eventually sold Instagram to Facebook in 2012 for 1 billion. Instagram is the second most free downloaded app in the apple app store. Today, Instagram has over 1 billion active users and is one of the most popular social networks worldwide.
     Some of the positive impacts of Instagram is that it can be used to keep in touch with friends, connect with new people, express ones self and keep up with influencers. Some of the negative impacts of Instagram is that people are judged on body image, loss of sleep, bullying which can lead to anxiety, depression and loneliness.
     I enjoyed doing this project as well as working in groups. The groups allowed us to get out of the normal class structure as well as get to know a few other people within the class. Presenting the powerpoint slides on the information was also nice. I loved listening to the different technologies and how they have grown over the years.


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