
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Blog Post Prompt

     Just like anything else in the world, social media definitely has its pros and cons. Personally, I do use social media often but I would not say that it consumes my everyday life. I can limit my social media usage myself and I wouldn't feel like I need to get on my phone every second. Although this is true, I occasionally want to check my feed and stories to see what my friends and family is up to. Social media is just how we communicate nowadays so it's easier to catch up with people that way. As I am growing up, I use social media less and I don't post as much as I used to but I still check my feed ofter. Social media is usually the first thing I check in the mornings and the last thing I check when going to bed. Even though I still use social media heavily, it used to be much worse when I was younger and I'm proud of the improvement I have done to limit my usage.       I do not think social media is a bad thing. I do believe some individuals use social media fo